Friday, September 16, 2011

Cormier Ninja Scroll

In Ninja Scroll, the main character, Juubei, is a skilled and wandering swordsman. Even though certain parts of the anime were kind of unnecessary to me, I feel that Juubei's sense of morality is noteworthy and even applaudable compared to the other characters in the anime. Such as when he chooses not to sleep with Kagero, he shows a sense of selflessness. Even though he's dying from the poison, he doesn't use Kagero's body for his own personal gain or advantage because he feels that it isn't right and that he'd be using her. I don't know why, but I kind of find this to be very "gentlemanly." The word chivalrous doesn't really fit Juubei!

Juubei with his cool hat and awesome samurai sword!
 I feel as if morality plays a huge part in Ninja Scroll. Not only with Juubei but with other characters such as Dakuan. Dakuan, in a way, is the opposite of Juubei. His overall intentions may be good, such as defeating the 8 demons and stopping the Shogun of the Dark, but his means of achieving success are not always the best ways. Dakuan himself is very greedy (as seen when he reveals the piece of gold he had stolen) and even tells Juubei to forget about Kagero after she is kidnapped. His methods of achieving in the end are kind of underhanded to me.

The addition of the demons in the anime was also pretty interesting to me. From the really creepy oni who deserved his unfortunate end to the explosion woman, the demons just made the film. I really didn't enjoy snake woman though. I'm phobic. I didn't even watch her scenes because they were just disturbing. I also found the hornet man to be pretty disgusting. Just imaging a hornet's nest on someone's back makes me itchy. It looked like something you would see on However, Zakuro, or explosion woman, was really cool. It was interesting to see how she was so determined to gain Yurimaru, the bishonen's, affection when it was clear that he wasn't interested in her or any other woman. And in her revenge, she was the reason for his death. I guess love kills. Like someone in class mentioned, she also had a REALLY cool outfit.
Best female character, Zakuro!


  1. Hahahaha this post made me laugh a lot.

    I agree with you when you say that morals and morality play a huge part in this film. Might I add that Kagero's plotline also deals with morality issues, though indirectly. Because of her poison blood, or body fluids, or whatever, anybody who tries to rape her dies, so she is a sort of purifier in such an immoral world.

    What is

    Am I the only one that HATED Zakuro? I thought that she was a stupid bitch. She kept on trying to get Yurimaru, who was OBVIOUSLY crushing on Gemma, and also treated her like crap for the whole film. I was glad when she killed him, but then again, I hated all of the Eight Devils, especially Gemma. His chin was simply too large. But now I'm just ranting, so I think that I am just going to stop...

  2. Hillary, I like the way you didn’t just mention how great of swordsman Jubei was, but also mention his other qualities. Jubei was in fact a gentleman, especially towards Kagero. I also like the fact that he didn’t sleep with her just to get rid of his own poison. I also felt that some parts of the anime were unnecessary as well. One scene in particular was when the oni tried or did rape Kagero. I was really disgusted with that scene and happy that Jubei showed a high level of respect to Kagero. I also want to point out that I don’t like snakes either. They are very creep and make me very aggravated just seeing them. I also felt the wasp man was freaky. I still don’t understand how he can live with a wasp nest on his back. Zakuro was kind of cool. To me see showed how powerful when can really be. However, my favorite demon has to be Gemma, because of his ability to restore himself. But as we see in the movie, that is not always a good thing, especially if you get trapped in gold. I really enjoyed reading your blog.
